Make Your Money Work Doubly Hard
You can create a carefree retirement strategy, with no risk of running out of money, by purchasing an annuity. These safe investments are financially backed by Canada’s insurance companies. They allow you to simply enjoy life, with a guaranteed monthly income and no worries about managing your money.
Pair your annuity with a life insurance policy equal to your original investment value. Your money will work doubly hard for you. You will receive steady income to retire on from your annuity. Besides, the life insurance policy you buy, which is equal to the value of your original capital, becomes a cash payout to your estate.
An insured annuity will give you a more carefree retirement. You can live off your investments and also leave them to your heirs. It’s a smart estate planning strategy. It also offers significant benefits for spouses. Purchase a joint insured annuity to create protection for both of you.
A careful plan will leverage the best of both products throughout your mutual golden years, with maximum income from the annuity and protection for a surviving spouse. Your FORTAX Financial Planner can help you implement this plan, which involves setting up your insurance policy at the same time you buy the annuity.